Some snapshots from when I was in Stockholm to see God (Beyoncé). Got a ticket from Hedvig as a surprise and actually had one of my best visits so far. I met friends that I haven't seen in almost two years, and pay far too much for coffees but it was worth it. Got to stay with mom for one night and eat heaps, and heaps of food. Literally the first thing I did when I came home was to go to the fridge and slice me loads of Herrgård cheese. The rest of the time I spent at Casper and Hanna's place. I freaking love their apartment. A fresh sleek far too expensive one bedroom piece of heaven on Södermalm.
I brought my analogue camera with me, so I have to get those pictures developed soon. Just gotta stop being so very sick first. On Friday I move out of my temporary apartment, but since the builders aren't done with everything yet Marcel and I get to stay with Christian over the weekend. I really don't mind that at all. Like honestly he has the perfect apartment in Kreuzkölln.
Now I'm gonna eat more of my "sick soup" (broth with everything in, like sweet potato, peas, potatoes etc) that I made a huge pot of yesterday, and then continue watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The thing I love to do when I'm sick is to watch movies that you don't have to think to. Letting the brain rest in a cloud of painkillers and honey water.
iiiih bloggy is back!!